A year later, they became a couple and are now the proud parents of five children! Sarah and Andy have navigated life at an incredible pace. While some might hesitate at the idea of having five children, it never gave Sarah and Andy pause. They were acutely aware of what was missing in their lives before and how the presence of their children completed them. In an interview, Sarah declares, “We wouldn't trade these little ones for anything in the world,” with Andy adding, “Maybe it's all interconnected.” Andrew and Abigail now find themselves with a total of seven children!

“I was taken aback and a bit overwhelmed when I thought about it, did the math, and realized, wow, if they all go to term, we'll have about five babies in eight months. But we were genuinely excited because it was something we had dreamed of and wanted for years.”

The judges quickly rose to fame, becoming a subject of interest. People wanted to learn more about their three daughters and two sons, eagerly following the family's updates on Facebook, where they were hailed as the happiest couple. The consistent and firm decisions of the couple received applause. Sarah remarks, “I don’t know why people find us so fascinating. We're not the only family with multiple sets of babies.” She adds, “I don’t know if we’re interesting. We’re very busy, I can tell you that.”

While the family was ready to expand their hearts, budget constraints were a reality, just like any other family. However, the Justice family found immense support from their extended network of family, friends, neighbors, and the community, making the journey a bit easier for the couple, allowing them occasional moments of rest.

In an interview, Andy states, “We don't get much sleep, obviously. We don't sit much either.” The community's kindness extended to volunteering to care for their five children under the age of one while the couple went to work. In a photo, the children's grandmother is seen assisting in their care.

Expressing gratitude, Andy says, “So far, everything has been donated. We've been very, very blessed.” The couple recalls never having to worry about diapers as they were constantly supplied by generous families in Oklahoma. From baby carriages to bottles, everything was contributed. Even blankets, formula, and clothes were provided by families, which Andy finds “more than a little ironic.” A larger van was purchased to ease travel, and members of Eastland Baptist Church in Tulsa sent frozen food, a significant help.

Dealing with triplets did pose a challenge in recognizing them initially. The age gap between the girls and boys was evident, and applying different colors of nail polish solved the only issue with the triplets.

Indeed, the couple now has triplets, twins, and a newborn named Caleb, born in 2016. The family had every reason to celebrate. Although another significant task for the couple, they seem to be adapting to it quite well by now. Caleb is the family's first non-multiple child, a welcome addition to the clan as his older siblings were potty-trained by Sarah and Andy.

In an interview, Sarah says, “All the kids adore their 'baby Caleb.' He has the best fan club ever, and we can't imagine life without the world's most adorable and beloved little guy.” The judges have embraced finding humor in everything, considering it more of an adventure than a challenge.

Sarah remarks, “My husband says we're only making babies, that everything else in life has pretty much stopped. But it's something we wanted so badly that we love it. That's not to say it's not a lot of work, and we're not very tired, but it's great. We really love having these kids.

“We're never short of playmates, and we strive to promote love and care between siblings. Our children will always have a friend and will never feel lonely.”