Meet Sholom Ber Solomon, a father of two daughters who has redefined the concept of father-daughter photo sessions. Sholom's creative and dedicated photography approach has not only earned him a massive following on social media but has also become a source of inspiration for parents everywhere.
In contrast to typical family photo shoots, Sholom's pictures feature elaborate sets, props, and imaginative costumes. From a Little Red Riding Hood-themed session to a backyard camping adventure, Sholom's photos portray his daughters in a magical and whimsical manner.
However, what sets Sholom's work apart is not just the intricate sets and props but the heartfelt dedication and love he puts into each photoshoot. In an interview with Bored Panda, Sholom expressed, "I always try to think of creative ideas that my daughters would enjoy and make them smile."
Sholom's photos have garnered a massive following on social media, boasting over 200,000 followers on his Instagram account. His work has been featured in major publications such as People Magazine and The Huffington Post.
Sholom's unwavering commitment to his family and his innovative approach to photography make him an inspiring figure for parents around the world. He showcases that with a bit of imagination and a lot of love, we can create special moments and lasting memories with our children.