In just a year, Sarah and Andy's life transformed from a couple to the proud parents of five children, expanding their family to seven with Andrew and Abigail. The rapid pace didn't faze the couple, who had long dreamt of a complete family.

"We wouldn’t give up these babies for anything in the world," affirms Sarah in an interview, while Andy adds, "Maybe it’s all connected." Expecting quintuplets initially left them shocked and overwhelmed, but the couple embraced the idea wholeheartedly.

The Judges quickly became a well-known family, capturing hearts with their three daughters and two sons. Their joyous family photos on Facebook portrayed them as the happiest couple, gaining popularity for their firm and consistent decisions. Sarah humbly deflects the attention, stating, "I don’t know why people think we’re so interesting. We’re not the only family to have multiple sets of babies."

Facing budget challenges, the Justice family found solace in their charitable community. Family, friends, neighbors, and the community rallied around them, providing invaluable support. This support made it a bit easier for the family of seven to navigate their busy lives.

Expressing gratitude, Andy mentions, "So far, everything has been donated. We’ve been very, very blessed." From diapers to baby carriages, the community came together to ensure the family had all they needed. Even frozen food from their church lightened the load for the busy couple.

With five children under the age of one, the Judges received help from kind volunteers who offered babysitting services. Their tireless nights were accompanied by the generosity of others, making the journey a bit smoother.

Amidst the chaos of multiples, the Judges faced the challenge of recognizing the triplets. Applying different colors of nail polish became the solution, bringing order to their joyous chaos.

In 2016, Caleb, their first non-multiple child, joined the family of multiples. While a new task for the couple, they embraced the adventure with humor. Sarah shares, "All the kids love their ‘baby Caleb’. He has the best fan club ever, and we can’t imagine life without the world’s most adorable and beloved little guy."

Despite the challenges, Sarah and Andy find joy in making a big, loving family. They acknowledge the tiredness but emphasize the fulfillment they find in having a house full of children. Sarah affirms, "We really love having these kids. We’re never short of playmates, and we strive to promote love and care between siblings." Their journey, though adventurous, is a testament to the power of love and the bonds of family.